
17 Unpopular Opinions Regarding Tattoos

Unpopular opinions about tattoos on the internet

People love giving their opinions even when not asked. However, this time, people were literally asked about tattoos. Meanwhile, they are divided into two groups: the ones who love or/and have tattoos and the others, that have something not nice to say about tattoos. And you’re not going to like them as a tattoo lover. Or maybe you might share the same opinion in some cases.

Viral Strange has collected 17 unpopular opinions regarding tattoos. Let’s have a look…

1. “I don’t see the point in having small tattoos randomly placed all over your body, especially when they have nothing to do with each other. It reminds me of a toddler who got into a sticker pack.”


2. “I don’t think you should be able to get tattoos in a location on your body that you can’t see every day. What’s the point of getting a cute tattoo if you can’t even see it to admire the art?”


3. “Disney tattoos are usually indicative of a certain type of person, and whenever I see one it makes me want to head for the hills.”


4. “I know a lot of people don’t like them, but I think neck and hand tattoos are sexy as hell.”

David Beckham /

5. “Getting faces (even realistic ones) as tattoos is actually pretty creepy. It’s like having someone’s face staring at you from someone else’s flesh.”


6. “I just CAN NOT support couples who get matching tattoos, especially if they’re not even married. How are you supposed to explain the initials of your ex to someone else you’re seeing?”


7. “Tattoos aren’t for everyone, and a lot of people who get them probably should have just paid for a painting of the same image instead. I say this as someone who has a tattoo and always changes their mind.”


8. “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with getting a ‘basic’ tattoo. If you want an infinity symbol or an anchor, don’t feel shameful. You don’t need a deep meaning to justify getting a tattoo that isn’t the most unique.”


9. “A lot of people think tattoos are unprofessional, but I think those people are wrong. They’re an expression of the person, not a lapse of judgment or of something irresponsible.”


10. “I think it’s pointless to get a tattoo that a lot of other people have. Why would you want an exact copy of another person’s tattoo, when you can just as easily have the artist draw up something for you that’s totally unique?”


11. “Don’t. Get. Micro. Tattoos. They look amazing, and I love them…right now. But in five years, that tiny, delicate flower with so much detail will just look like a blur.”


12. “Tattoos are better when there’s no meaning behind them. Some people get so hung up on what they should mean, and they kinda force it. Even worse, they then get one that means the same thing to everyone else. Just say you think it looks cute, and go lol.”


13. “I judge people with Harry Potter ‘Always’ tattoos and the Deathly Hallows symbol. Severus Snape is a trash man who didn’t deserve Lily Potter, so he can take his ‘Always’ and shove it up his butt.”


14. “A lot of people won’t agree with this first part, but you should never get a tattoo because you want a tattoo. Instead, you should get a tattoo because you want THAT tattoo.”


15. “Tattoos behind the ears make it look like you have really dirty ears from a distance.”


16. “Portrait tattoos of celebrities are weird as hell. I’ve seen fantastic ones, but I think it’s strange to get a realistic portrait of a stranger tattooed onto you.”


17. And “Face tattoos won’t ‘ruin your life.’ I have a face tattoo, and it’s never hindered my ability to get a job. Your body is a temple, so why not decorate the walls?”

Post Malon / / Zayn Malik /

Do you agree with any of these opinions? What would be the perfect response to them? Tell us in the comments!

Written by Awat Dhahir

Founder and CEO at VIRAL Strange / Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live. Stay humble. Be kind. Work hard. The secret ingredient is always cheese.

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