
Madagaskar approves castration law for child rapists

Madagascar has passed a law allowing for chemical and surgical castration of individuals convicted of raping minors, aiming to address a surge in child rape cases, although it has sparked both support and criticism from various quarters.

Madagascar’s Parliament recently approved a significant legislative measure allowing for the chemical and, in specific circumstances, surgical castration of individuals found guilty of raping minors. Proposed by Prime Minister Andry Rajoelina’s government, this law has sparked a spectrum of reactions, ranging from staunch support to vehement criticism.


Justice Minister Landy Mbolatiana Randriamanantenasoa underscored the necessity of such a law in light of the escalating incidence of child rape cases across the nation.

Under the provisions of the legislation, surgical castration will be mandated for offenders convicted of raping children below the age of 10, while those found guilty of assaulting children aged between 10 and 13 may face either surgical or chemical castration. Additionally, chemical castration is prescribed for individuals convicted of raping minors aged between 14 and 17.


The law not only introduces these drastic measures but also includes provisions for harsher prison sentences, demonstrating a concerted effort to prioritize the protection of children, particularly the younger victims, within the judicial framework.

Despite its intentions, the law has faced criticism, notably from Amnesty International, which has raised concerns about the transparency and medical capabilities of the Malagasy criminal justice system to effectively implement such measures.

Nonetheless, amidst these reservations, some activists within Madagascar have voiced their support for the law, viewing it as a crucial deterrent against the prevailing “rape culture” that plagues the country, highlighting the urgent need to combat sexual violence and ensure the safety and well-being of minors.

Written by Telha

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