
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms

Uncover important signs of Vitamin B12 deficiency that demand attention. Don’t ignore these crucial symptoms for your health.

Vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in red blood cell production and DNA synthesis. As we age, our body’s ability to absorb this vitamin slows down. Since it cannot be produced internally, obtaining it from supplements or animal-based foods is essential.

However, many people underestimate its importance, leading to vitamin B12 deficiency. Shockingly, approximately 40% of North Americans experience this deficiency, and individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia are particularly susceptible.


1. You Can’t Stay Awake

Vitamin B12

Fatigue is a prominent indicator of vitamin B12 deficiency, but not the only one. Despite sufficient sleep, persistent tiredness may signal this deficiency. Vitamin B12 is essential for red blood cell production, aiding oxygen transport. Remember, fatigue alone doesn’t confirm B12 deficiency; other symptoms should be considered.

2. Your Muscles Are Weak

When your body lacks vitamin B12, your muscles may weaken as they rely on oxygen delivered by red blood cells. Ensuring sufficient B12 intake is crucial for maintaining muscle strength.

3. Eye Issues

Vitamin B12

Severe deficiency can harm the optic nerve and block retinal blood vessels, leading to double vision, blurry vision, and potential loss of vision. If your vision deteriorates, seek medical attention instead of self-diagnosing.

4. Pale Skin

A yellowish complexion could be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency, indicating the breakdown of red blood cells and the release of bilirubin. If you observe such symptoms or jaundice, consult your doctor promptly.

5. Red, Smooth Tongue

Vitamin B12

When experiencing Vitamin B12 deficiency, the papillae on your tongue, which house taste buds, can disappear, resulting in decreased taste sensation. This can lead to complaints of pain in the back of the tongue and a diminished ability to enjoy food.


When the balance of gut bacteria is disrupted, it hampers the absorption of vital nutrients.. Chemotherapy, too, can trigger gut inflammation and hinder proper nutrient absorption.


1. Change Your Diet

Vitamin B12

To combat vitamin B12 deficiency, start by modifying your diet. Incorporate vitamin B12-rich foods such as fish, chicken, lamb, beef liver, and chicken liver.

2. Vitamin B12 supplements


If incorporating food sources isn’t possible, consider supplements like Methylcobalamin and Cyanocobalamin. Prioritize consulting your doctor before starting any supplementation. These alternatives are beneficial, especially for non-meat eaters.

3. Quality Probiotics

Vitamin B12

Boost its absorption by incorporating high-quality probiotics into your routine. Excellent sources such as kefir, dark chocolate, and kombucha can enhance the effectiveness of this essential nutrient.

4. Stop Eating Inflammatory Foods

Maintaining a healthy gut involves minimizing the intake of inflammatory foods like packaged foods, fast food, fried foods, low-quality meats, and additives.

By adhering to a strict diet and taking supplements, you can prevent the deficiency and recognize its associated symptoms, allowing you to promptly seek medical advice if needed.

Do you suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency? How do you keep it under control? Share your experience with us!

Written by Shko Faraj Agha

Adventures Pharmacist, Tech Influencer, Entrepreneur

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