
5-Year-Old Leaves This World With a Final Act of Kindness

A 5-year-old child’s final act of kindness leaves a lasting impact, showing the power of compassion even in the face of tragedy.

A 5-year-old girl, Aurora Masters, tragically passed away on May 13 following a freak accident involving a disc swing. Her grieving parents honored her memory by donating her organs after doctors confirmed fatal brain damage, ending her life support.


Tom and Krystal Masters, parents of Aurora, a 5-year-old, shared that her organs were donated to Donor Alliance, an organization facilitating organ and tissue transplants in Colorado and Wyoming. Krystal expressed comfort in knowing that Aurora’s heart continues to beat, a sentiment that Tom emphasized as genuinely aiding them through their profound sorrow.

Aurora’s family portrayed the donation as a poignant gesture from a young girl known for her desire to assist and guide others. Krystal expressed pride in her daughter, stating to KUSA, I am proud of my daughter. I was already proud, but she’s still giving.”

The GoFundMe campaign has surpassed $30,000, a testament to the overwhelming love and support from family and friends. According to the family, Our sweet Aurora Rae has once again demonstrated her ninja quality of bravery, partnering with the Donor Alliance to complete her giving of gifts. She is demonstrating the qualities of a black belt.”

A memorial service in honor of Aurora will take place on Saturday, June 8, at a nearby church. Our hearts are shattered, and we continue the journey to honor and celebrate her worldly gifts, the family expressed.


Aurora, a resident of Fort Collins, met with tragedy while playing in her family’s garden. During her play, the 5-year-old positioned her small plastic slide near a disc swing, inadvertently entangling her neck in its ropes as she slid down. This unfortunate mishap resulted in oxygen deprivation in her brain. Doctors at Children’s Hospital Colorado in Aurora conveyed the heartbreaking prognosis that she would not recover.

Amid this sorrow, the Masters family sought comfort in the unwavering support of their extended family. Nineteen relatives traveled from Wyoming and Nebraska to stand vigil at Aurora’s bedside. We do know the power of family, remarked her aunt Kennedy.

Aurora passed away on May 13 under tragic circumstances that have left her family grappling with disbelief. The accident occurred while the 5-year-old girl innocently played alone outside, as her aunt Kennedy recounted, She pulled her little plastic slide over to where her swing was and somehow got caught up in the swing, and the swing strangled her.”

Tom Masters shared how the cute 5-year-old girl had profoundly impacted his life since her birth, stating, She came along when I was in a really bad mental health place. It felt like there was something almost magical about her. I’m hearing all these stories that she was like that for everybody. Reflecting on her joyful spirit, he added, She literally just had fun and went around and brought her light with her and gave it away for free.”


Krystal expressed her hope that Aurora’s story will encourage families to cherish every moment with their children. I guess what I would say to parents is: Love your kid every minute, have a dance party, and just live life. Because you never know when it’s going away.”

Amid tragedy, Aurora’s light continues to inspire love and gratitude, reminding us all to embrace each precious moment with those we hold dear.

Written by DADADEL

Adelaida, the founder of Dadadel Creative, boasts a multifaceted background, blending expertise in software engineering, copywriting, and digital marketing. Prior to establishing her agency, she honed her skills as the former Head of the News Department at a regional media outlet, and also amassing 18 years of experience as a host. She has a penchant for sarcasm, a passion for lifestyle topics, and an undeniable love for cats.

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