
An Artist Makes Hilarious Thought-Provoking Comics With Unexpected Twists

Art is a medium of expressing yourself. It is an extension of themselves for some artists. For some, it is their way of spreading joy to the consumers. The world will be so dull without creative artists. They put out their works to give us fun, especially during these trying times that we are all going through a pandemic.

For most of us, the pandemic takes a toll on all aspects of our life. For some, they use the time spent being at home to do something worthwhile. One of the artists who gained a following during this pandemic is Super Combo Deluxe. His name is Alan-he creates humorous comics, and he only started doing it last February 2020. He is also a full-time developer from the US, and Viral Strange had the chance to interview him.

More info: Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Website

Here are the funniest and thought-provoking comics from his collections, together with the interview answers, enjoy!

1. Humans are scarier than ghosts

funny comics about ghosts
© Super Combo Deluxe ‏/ website

In real life, humans are scarier than ghosts. We, humans, are selfish. We always want to be ahead with everyone. We always desire more than what we can handle. We tend to be heartless and wicked towards other people. In the end, we can’t bring anything when we die.

“Humor-wise my comics are inspired by all the elements I grew up with. That entails The Simpsons, Family Guy, and most importantly Far Side comics. I’d describe the humor in my comics as totally random. My style is to keep the reader on their toes and guessing what will happen next in each comic”, when asked about how he would describe his work.

2. It is never good to be selfish

comics of a man talking to birds and squirrels
© Super Combo Deluxe ‏/ website

Karma is just around the corner when you do something unkind. Let the animals thrive. Always be giving because it will be twice the fold when the blessing comes to you.

“Art-wise, I’d describe my comics as bold and colorful. Throughout my art career, I’ve been known to create everything with bold outlines and attention getting colors. It only makes sense that this would be the style for my comic. My artwork is always evolving, but my boldness is usually one thing that always stays the same”, he added.

3. Our grandparents are precious

comics about two men talking about their grandpa
© Super Combo Deluxe ‏/ website

Our grandparents only have a little time left in this world, so you have to value them. Love them as you can because they deserve that. Make them feel that they are still important. They are one of those people who love you unconditionally.

“For drawing, I use an Apple iPad (2018 version) with the Apple Pencil. I draw in Adobe Fresco and import my drawings into Adobe Photoshop for post production work – like adding text bubbles, fonts, etc. The font I use for the comic is my own handwriting, converted to a usable font”, Alan explained to us.

4.Respect people’s preference

 woman talking with a man why he said things to his co-workers
© Super Combo Deluxe ‏/ website

You have to respect people’s choices, opinions, and preferences. We can still co-exist in a good way even if we have differences. We have to open our hearts and minds that we do not think alike.

5. It is not always what we think it is

comics about man and a policeman driving
© Super Combo Deluxe ‏/ website

Most of the time, we have opinions on some matters even if we do not know the real story. We easily jump to a conclusion without really considering the other side of the story. It is better to keep our opinions when we have nothing good to say.

6. Pranks aren’t a good thing

 comics of a burger worker being pranked
© Super Combo Deluxe ‏/ website

Our economy is struggling, and it is not a good idea to prank those working hard to earn a living. We have to respect whatever kind of job someone does.

7. Protect our oceans

comics about a man instructing another man to cut the can holders
© Super Combo Deluxe ‏/ website

We, humans, are the greatest enemy of our natural resources. We lack disciple to preserve the beauty of nature. We always fail to appreciate the amazing things that we have. Mother Earth is already suffering so much, so we have to do our share in saving her before it is too late. Earth is our only home, so it is our responsibility.

8.Social media creates a huge impact in our lives

comics haunted by social media apps on his sleep
© Super Combo Deluxe ‏/ website

Nowadays, we can’t deny the role of social media in our lives. That is the easiest way to communicate with people now. It is actually a good tool, so we have to use it wisely. We have to know our limits in using it because there are also negative impacts when we overuse it. It is always about self-control and being responsible in using that platform.

9. Give without expecting something in return

comics about a man offering candies to kids with a condition
© Super Combo Deluxe ‏/ website

Giving should be done voluntarily from the heart. You should not expect anything in return if you give someone something. It should be a selfless act, not a conditional one.

10. Be careful when you are driving

comics about a man freaking out while driving
© Super Combo Deluxe ‏/ website

Do not drive when you are drunk or sleepy. Do not text or call when you are driving. Do not put the lives of your loved ones in danger. Always be a responsible driver and think about the people you love.

11. Technology still has its disadvantages 

comics about a prison officer talking to an inmate
© Super Combo Deluxe ‏/ website

Technology is not perfect at all, so we should not rely so much on it. We have to develop our skills too. We have to be knowledgeable on how things are done at the same time well. Nothing really beats the human effort and hard work.

12. Stupidity is hard to correct

funny comics of a man introducing another man to his gang
© Super Combo Deluxe ‏/ website

Always be willing to learn new things. Always expand your horizons. You have to read to learn more new things. Do not allow yourself to be stupid because that is not an excuse to the law.

When ask for parting words of advice for people who want to start their own comics, he said, “Start your comic by just practicing. Send your comics to friends or family to see how they react. Most likely they’ll be the most supportive audience members. Once you find your voice, set up a website and post to as many social media platforms as you’re comfortable posting to. The most important part of making a comic is to not get discouraged. You might not get a ton of followers right away and that’s okay, it takes time. Also, you need to have thick skin and take criticism. Some of your readers will say terrible things about your work, it’s all in how you deal with that criticism. My last piece of advice is to keep having fun. If it turns into a burden or chore, evaluate the situation and figure out how to evolve it into something you enjoy. 

Written by Awat Dhahir

Founder and CEO at VIRAL Strange / Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live. Stay humble. Be kind. Work hard. The secret ingredient is always cheese.

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