Mishap situations are part of life. Nobody can ditch them, even if they want to. However, each one of us has different outcomes.
Viral Strange has collected 15 pics showing mishap situations worth posting online and making everybody laugh (or cry!)
1. There were casualties on the way to the chili cookoff 🙁
2. This is how my Polish friend eats bananas
3. A picture is worth a thousand words
4. Dropped a personal pizza on new shoes
5. My wife just did this… Did I marry a psychopath?
6. This is my partner’s “Window Seat”
7. Truck driver didn’t free the shipping container
8. You win this time, carrot…
9. I thought you could microwave eggs…
10. Thank you, saltshaker. Very cool!
11. I was met with this at the airport this morning after coming home from abroad.
12. Looking forward to some freshly baked cinnamon swirls
13. It’s 3:00 AM. Everyone is asleep, and I’ve been trying to get out of my room for 30 minutes.
14. I wanted a relaxing bath to ease the sadness, got the most disgusting bath bomb that stained both me and my tub, and my poor shower pouf after I vigorously tried to get it all off.
15. Trying to have a plate of ramen
What is a mishap situation that you will never forget? Tell us more in the comments!