
Groom finds out his bride is actually a man days after their wedding

A groom discovered that his spouse was actually a man less than two weeks after their wedding.

The Indonesian man, known as AK, met Adinda Kanza on social media in 2023 and dated for a year. During their relationship, AK met Kanza multiple times, with Kanza often wearing a traditional Muslim niqab that covered her whole face. AK perceived this as a sign of her devotion to Islam.


Despite having limited time together, the couple decided to get married. They hosted an intimate ceremony at AK’s home after Kanza informed him that she had no family. However, after their wedding on April 12, Kanza refused to be intimate with him. According to the South China Morning Post, she repeatedly cited feeling unwell or being on her period as reasons for her refusal.

AK grew increasingly suspicious, noting that Kanza did not speak to his family and continued to wear her niqab at home. He began investigating and, 12 days after their wedding, discovered her former address. When he visited, he found her parents alive and well. They revealed to him that “Adinda Kanza” was actually a man named ESH, who had begun cross-dressing in 2020. They were also unaware that their son was in a relationship or married.


The police became involved and noted that Kanza behaved like a woman and had a feminine voice. They commented, “If you look at their wedding photos, Adinda looks exactly like a real woman. He also has a gentle voice and tone, so there was no suspicion at all about him being a woman.”

ESH was arrested after AK’s parents reported the matter. Local media reports revealed that ESH had wanted to marry AK to steal his family’s assets. He is now facing fraud charges and could be sentenced to up to four years in prison. The investigation is ongoing.

Written by Telha

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