
Lawmaker’s daughter & son in law killed in a gang attack in Haiti while on a missionary trip

Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker received devastating news that his daughter, Natalie, and son-in-law, Davy Lloyd, were tragically killed while serving as missionaries in Haiti.

In a heartfelt post on Facebook, Baker expressed his immense pain, stating, “My heart is broken in a thousand pieces. I’ve never felt this kind of pain.” He shared with his followers, “Most of you know my daughter and son-in-law Davy and Natalie Lloyd are full-time missionaries in Haiti.”

Baker went on to reveal the heartbreaking circumstances of their deaths, revealing, “They were attacked by gangs this evening and were both killed. They went to Heaven together. Please pray for my family we desperately need strength.” He concluded by asking for prayers for the Lloyd family as well, stating, “I have no other words for now.”

Facebook @Ben Baker

Natalie and Davy were in Haiti as missionaries with the organization Missions in Haiti Inc, which was founded by Davy’s parents. The mission also shared the tragic news on Facebook, confirming, “Davy and Natalie and Jude were shot and killed by the gang about 9 o’clock this evening.” The organization expressed their devastation over the loss, stating, “We all are devastated.”

This heartbreaking incident sheds light on the dangerous situation in Haiti, as the State Department had previously warned Americans against traveling to the country due to a surge in gang violence. Despite the risks, Natalie and Davy were committed to their mission of helping others and spreading love and hope. Their tragic deaths have left their families, friends, and community in mourning.

Written by Telha

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