
How You Might Lose Her Even When She Loves You Devotedly

If you continue treating her the way you do, she won’t stay. This is how you’ll lose her, even though she loves you deeply.

This is how you lose her even when you know she’s still out there, loving you with all her heart. Deep down, you’re aware of her unwavering feelings, but what you might not realize is that she won’t always be around.

You no longer send her morning texts that make her day start with a smile. She goes to bed without expecting a “good night” from you, and she’s stopped waiting for your late-night calls to ask about her day. She doesn’t expect those things anymore because you’ve given her no reason to.

You’ve stopped making her feel like a priority

She no longer feels like the most important person in your life. Instead, she feels constantly overlooked, undervalued, and taken for granted. But don’t confuse her tolerance with endless patience. If you keep treating her this way, you’ll lose her, and when you do, you’ll realize just how much she meant to you.

Do you ever think about her when you have free time?

When you step away from work, do you make an effort to reach out to her? She’s waiting for you to show that you care, but how long will she keep waiting? She’s not asking for all your time; in fact, she’s not demanding much at all. But she knows she deserves more than what you’re giving. She deserves your time, attention, and to feel like she’s a significant part of your life.

When was the last time you told her she looked beautiful or complimented her outfit?

Do you even remember the last time you looked at her like she was the only woman in the world? When did you last ask how she’s feeling, or express concern for her well-being? These small gestures might seem insignificant to you, but they mean everything to her. If you don’t realize their importance, you’ll end up losing her.

One day, she’ll start treating you the way you’re treating her now, and you’ll finally understand how much you’ve taken her for granted. She might already feel lonely, even when you’re together. If that loneliness persists, she won’t be able to endure it much longer. Her love for you, as strong as it is, won’t be enough to make her stay.

She’s been quietly hurting in a relationship where she no longer feels she belongs. It’s been painful for her to see you treat her as if she doesn’t matter. And the day may come when she has to walk away because the pain becomes unbearable. When that day comes, there’s no going back. You’ll have lost her forever, and it will be because you didn’t treat her the way she deserved to be treated. Her love for you won’t be enough to make her stay.

Written by Telha

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