
“8 Signs You’re Not Meant to Be Together If You Can’t Do These Things”

If you want to test this in your relationship, ensure the following elements are present. If not, it’s likely you’re not meant to be together.

Does the concept of “soulmates” truly exist? Is there really just one person out there, destined to spend their life with you? Like many others, you may believe in the idea of “the one”—that your destiny has already been written. You might think your love story is already set, and all that’s left is for you to play your part.

A recent survey revealed that most adults believe in the idea of soulmates. The study found that both men and women are equally drawn to the notion of finding that one person they are meant to be with forever.

It’s comforting to believe that your soulmate is out there, waiting for you, and that finding them will bring happiness. However, no scientific evidence supports this belief. From a more realistic perspective, it can be limiting to think there is only one person out there for you, among billions.

With so many people in the world, believing that only one is meant for you greatly reduces your chances of finding them. Still, it’s important to be with someone you share chemistry and compatibility with.

1.Feel safe and secure in your relationship.

Your relationship should be a refuge that heals your broken parts, not one that fuels your fears and insecurities. If you don’t feel secure, it’s a sign of dysfunction, and the relationship isn’t likely to work out.

2.Have fun together as a couple.

If you’re not enjoying each other’s company, the relationship isn’t fulfilling. A relationship that lacks fun and joy is unlikely to last.

3.Go shopping for one another.

Being able to shop together, even for simple things like groceries, is important. If something as basic as this is a struggle, it highlights deeper issues in your relationship.

4.Be completely honest with one another.

Honesty and transparency are essential. If you feel the need to hide any part of your life, it’s a clear sign your relationship isn’t healthy.

5.Sit in comfortable silence without awkwardness.

You don’t always need excitement or lavish outings to enjoy each other’s company. Being able to sit in peaceful silence together is a sign of a strong connection.

6.Give each other space and privacy.

A relationship shouldn’t erase your individuality. You both need to maintain boundaries and respect each other’s personal space. A lack of this respect points to a toxic relationship.

7.Support each other’s goals and dreams.

A healthy relationship shouldn’t hinder your personal ambitions. If your relationship demands you to sacrifice your dreams, it’s not a supportive partnership.

8.Communicate effectively with one another.


Strong communication is the backbone of a lasting relationship. You must feel safe to express anything to each other and be equally willing to listen. Without open communication, the relationship is unlikely to endure.

Written by Telha

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