
Gamer flew across country in the middle of the night to attack online rival

A gamer has been accused of flying across the country to confront an online rival in the middle of the night.

Edward Kang, 20, took an overnight flight from New Jersey to Florida on Friday, June 21, before attempting to attack his rival in the early hours, according to police reports. Kang traveled from Newark Liberty International Airport to Jacksonville International Airport, then arrived at the victim’s house in the early hours of Sunday morning, wielding a hammer he had bought at a hardware store.

Police say that Kang became angry after playing the game ArcheAge.

He apparently told his mom he was going to visit a friend in Florida before taking the flight and checking into a hotel. On Saturday, June 22, he went to a hardware store to buy a hammer and a flashlight before sneaking to the victim’s property in the middle of the night. Kang was reportedly dressed in black, wearing a mask and gloves, as he approached the property in Fernandina Beach. “This is a weird one,” Sheriff Bill Leeper said to reporters on Monday.

“Some things make you say ‘hmm’. Some things you just can’t make up. There are some things that make you say, ‘What in the world was he thinking?’ And there are some things that make you say, ‘You’re not gonna believe this.’ Well, this case makes you say all four of those.”

Nassau County Sheriff’s Office

Police were called after the victim’s stepfather was awoken by his stepson screaming for help.

“The victim’s stepfather reported being awakened by screams for help,” said Leeper. “When he went to see what was going on, he found his stepson on the ground struggling with the attacker, who was in possession of a hammer.” The victim and his stepdad restrained Kang until cops arrived at the property, where they found a ‘significant amount of blood’ in the hallway. Although suffering from severe head injuries, the victim’s condition is not said to be life-threatening.

Kang, meanwhile, is facing attempted murder and burglary charges and is being held at the Nassau County Jail.

Written by Telha

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