
Husband Uncovers Wife’s Affair with Secret Cameras

A husband’s secret cameras reveal a disturbing affair, leading to an unexpected confrontation and a dramatic divorce.

I once turned to Reddit to share a shocking story about my wife. It all began when she released a rabbit into our yard, despite my suggestion that she should set it free in the bushes.

Before our kids’ eyes, a hawk swooped down and snatched the bunny. Our little ones, aged four and five, were traumatized. From that day forward, they started calling their mom theBunny Killer,which put a strain on their relationship with her.

Photo by Dave Solce on Unsplash

Eventually, I told my wife that I had posted about the incident on Reddit, which made her furious. However, after some time, she admitted she had been wrong and should have listened to me. I tried to encourage the kids to be kinder, but whenever they got upset, that cruel nickname would resurface. We even considered seeing a marriage counselor, but she insisted our relationship was fine.

Things seemed normal for a while, but then our oldest daughter came to me with a new concern. Hesitantly, she revealed that a man had been visiting our house on weekends when I was away at work. My wife referred to this man as herspecial friendand had even bribed the kids to keep quiet about him.

Secret Cameras
Photo by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash

As my wife’s behavior grew more erratic—she became irritable, would hurl insults at me, and then lock herself away to cry—I began to suspect she might be having an affair. But then I remembered she had acted similarly when she was pregnant before. I decided to set up cameras around the house, just in case. My gut instinct was right. Within a week, the cameras captured her with a younger man she had once mentored, a former colleague.

Using GPS tracking, I discovered she was meeting him far from where she usually spent time with her friends. One day, the footage showed him rubbing her belly. Heartbroken, I devised a plan. I told her I was going on a business trip and had my sister take the kids for the weekend. As expected, she invited her affair partner over.

Secret Cameras
Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

Through the hidden cameras, I overheard them discussing the baby they were expecting together. Not long after, I had the local sheriff serve her divorce papers. She was stunned, tried to resist, and locked herself away again.

But I had all the evidence I needed. The police arrived, reviewed the footage, and after confirming she wasn’t in any danger, they arrested her.

The divorce process was long and difficult. She tried to sabotage my job and reputation, but in the end, I gained full custody of our children and retained ownership of our house. DNA tests confirmed that both kids were mine, bringing me some relief. And that’s how it all ended, leaving me with my children and our home.

Written by DADADEL

Adelaida, the founder of Dadadel Creative, boasts a multifaceted background, blending expertise in software engineering, copywriting, and digital marketing. Prior to establishing her agency, she honed her skills as the former Head of the News Department at a regional media outlet, and also amassing 18 years of experience as a host. She has a penchant for sarcasm, a passion for lifestyle topics, and an undeniable love for cats.

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