
Outfit Elements That Can Ruin Your Look

You might be fashionable and trendy, but some outfit elements can ruin your look. These tiny details can ruin a first impression.

Outfit elements make the whole look! The secret lies in the details. Right? The way you dress up tells a lot about you. The first impression is important.

The thing is, you might neglect some outfit elements that mess up your overall look. Paying attention to these details will help you shine from head to toe!

Viral Strange has gathered 12 outfit elements that might ruin your looks.

1. Uncomfortable heels

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Photo by Nagatoshi Shimamura on Unsplash

Heels elongate the figure and make you look taller and slimmer. However, wearing uncomfortable heels will show up on your face. Your facial expression will tell the truth about how uncomfortable you are, and the pain… Let us not talk about that! Choose shoes that are comfortable and will make your posture look better.

2. Conspicuous underwear

Photo by Juli Kosolapova on Unsplash

You should wear fitting and inconspicuous underwear. It is not nice to look at the color of your undergarments below that beautiful dress. Avoid items with patterns that shine, too.

3. Faded black clothing

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Photo by Samia Liamani on Unsplash

Black-colored clothes fade with time, especially the poorly-dyed ones. The outfit will look terrible and scruffy if you wear those items with unfaded black pieces.

4. Uncomfortable clothing

Photo by Roberto Silva on Unsplash

Shorts that ride up or dresses that do not stay “in place” are so uncomfortable! Try the outfits before you buy them to look out for any surprises in the fitting.

5. Out-of-place outfit

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Photo by alexandra avelar on Unsplash

Choosing a good outfit is challenging. However, you should already know that not all outfits are made for all places. Wearing high heels on a mountain or cargo pants in an interview does not make sense.

6. Hair extension mistakes

Photo by Ashton Bingham on Unsplash

Hair extensions give you volume or extra length but having them different than your hair color might ruin your look. Make sure that the seams between your hair and the extensions are secured.

7. Dry and damaged hair

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Photo by Sherise Van Dyk on Unsplash

Dry and damaged hair ruins your looks. Imagine the tiny hair all over your clothes or the tips of the hair like a burned broom. You can get frequent coloring or cut them more often to get rid of the unhealthy appearance.

8. Dirty glasses

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Photo by Ed Leszczynskl on Unsplash

Fingerprints and other specks of dirt on your glasses harm your vision and can mess up your total looks. Clean them regurarly.

9. Too-long trousers

Photo by Dan V on Unsplash

Tripping on your trousers while walking is not something you would like. Not only are you being uncomfortable, but you can get them dirty. Choose your trousers or jeans depending on your length.

10. Animal hair on clothing

Photo by Ruta Gudeliene on Unsplash

We love animals. We really do! However, the hair they leave behind is unbearable! Especially when it gets stuck all over the clothes. Use a sticky roller before you go out. Otherwise, your black outfit will be grey… The fabric pilling, as well. Clean them up.

11. Chipped manicure

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Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Take care of your nails, whether you paint them or not, you should clean them regularly. If you polish them yourself, be sure not to leave the manicure cracked.

12. Messy lip contouring

Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

Before putting some color on your lips, you should contour them with a lip pencil for the lipstick to not get messy outside your lips. Be careful to correct them to not get smudged lip contouring.

Do you look out for these elements in your outfits? What’s your go-to outfit in daily life? What about special occasions? Tell us in the comments!

Written by DADADEL

Adelaida, the founder of Dadadel Creative, boasts a multifaceted background, blending expertise in software engineering, copywriting, and digital marketing. Prior to establishing her agency, she honed her skills as the former Head of the News Department at a regional media outlet, and also amassing 18 years of experience as a host. She has a penchant for sarcasm, a passion for lifestyle topics, and an undeniable love for cats.

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