
People beg her to stop posting baby photos online

She shares videos of herself and Raedyn on TikTok, where she receives dozens, sometimes hundreds, of comments urging her to stop posting photos and videos of him.

Today, social media has become the primary way most people communicate, and sharing pictures of children with friends and family is now very common.

Natasha, a young mother, does the same with her one-year-old son, Raedyn. But unlike others, she faces harsh bullying online due to her son’s appearance.

Natasha firmly responds to the negativity: “I won’t stop… just because he looks different doesn’t mean he’s any less – he’s perfect.”

Raedyn was born with Pfeiffer syndrome, which affects his skull, face, and limbs, but to Natasha, her son is perfect. She proudly shares his journey.

Unfortunately, the internet can be cruel. Many leave hurtful comments like, “What kind of life will he have?” and “Why would you make him live like that?”

These comments aren’t limited to online interactions. In public, strangers often ask insensitive questions like, “What’s wrong with your child?”

Natasha finds this exhausting, constantly having to explain Raedyn’s condition. “It’s frustrating because that’s not how you talk to someone.”

She struggles with why people focus so much on Raedyn’s appearance, saying, “He lives like any other child… yes, he looks different, but that doesn’t make him any less.”

Natasha is determined to give her son a full life and fight for his acceptance. “He deserves to be treated like everyone else,” she says.


She’s tired of the so-called concern from people who stop her with questions out of curiosity. “People don’t realize I’m just a mom, and my son is just a baby… our lives don’t revolve around his diagnosis.”

Natasha concludes, “We’re just a normal family. I hope one day, the world will accept people with disabilities without judging them by their looks or abilities.”

It’s heartbreaking that, even today, people are so quick to judge those who look different.

Written by Telha

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