
Stewardess Sees Passenger Who Looks Identical to Her Late Husband

A stewardess is stunned to meet a man resembling her late husband on a flight, sparking a journey that unearths a hidden family secret.

Kristin, a stewardess, was serving a passenger when the cup of coffee she was holding slipped from her hands.I’m sorry for the delay, sir. Here’s your coffee…she began, only to drop it on the floor.

Photo by atiyeh fathi on Unsplash

What’s wrong with you? Are you blind?snapped a passenger who had coffee spilled on him. Kristin, however, was frozen in place, staring at another passenger, unable to move.

Unable to comprehend what she was seeing, Kristin muttered to herself,This can’t be real! Just then, her colleague, Cassandra, appeared to assist.

Cassandra apologized for the accident and turned to the man Kristin was transfixed on.I’m sorry, Mr. Moss. I’ll get you a new coffee immediately. Kristin, come with me.”

While Cassandra cleaned up the mess, she turned to Kristin, furious.I told you it was too early for you to come back to work. You’re not ready for this yet.”

But Kristin had something else on her mind. She opened her locket, showing Cassandra a picture.You called him Mr. Moss, right? Look at this photo. Doesn’t he look like my late husband?”

Life often throws surprises when least expected.

Cassandra glanced at the photo, gasping in disbelief.Oh my God, he looks just like him! How is that possible?”

Three months earlier, Kristin had lost her husband, Bob, to a sudden heart attack. They had been happily married for ten years. Bob had even asked her to quit her job a few years ago, wanting her to spend more time with him as his business became successful.

“Babe, you’ve done enough for us. Now I want you to focus on us and take a break,Bob had told her. She agreed and left her job, embracing the time they spent together until his untimely death.

Bob’s passing shattered Kristin. Childless and alone, she fell into a deep depression, isolating herself from the world. But after months of grief, she decided she couldn’t go on living that way. She returned to her job, hoping to heal through work. But nothing could have prepared her for what happened next.

Kristin’s thoughts were interrupted when Cassandra shook her.He wants to talk to you.”

“Who? Mr. Moss?Kristin asked, confused.

“Yes, Steven Moss. He says he wants to speak with you.”

Kristin took a deep breath and approached him.Yes, sir. How can I help you?she asked, forcing a smile.

“I just wanted to check if you were alright. You seemed uneasy,Steven said, concerned.

Kristin reassured him that she was fine, and as a gesture, Steven handed her his business card, apologizing for the spilled coffee. That night, however, Kristin couldn’t stop thinking about him. His uncanny resemblance to Bob kept her awake.

Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash

Could Bob have had a brother he didn’t know about? Kristin decided to ask Bob’s mother, Mrs. Fisher, if she knew anything.

The next morning, Kristin visited her mother-in-law.Mrs. Fisher, I need to ask you something important,she began.

Seeing Kristin’s distress, Mrs. Fisher invited her in. When Kristin mentioned the man who looked like Bob, Mrs. Fisher’s expression changed.You need to know something, Kristin,she said.Please get the photo album from my room.”

Kristin retrieved the album and was shown a picture of twin babies.These are Bob and his twin brother,Mrs. Fisher revealed, much to Kristin’s shock.

Mrs. Fisher explained that Bob’s father had left her when she was pregnant, and when she found out she was having twins, she felt unable to raise both boys alone. Struggling as a young, poor mother, she made the difficult decision to place one of the twins in an orphanage.

Kristin was overwhelmed with emotion, but then she remembered Steven’s business card. She quickly contacted him and explained everything. As it turned out, Steven had been searching for his biological mother after learning he was adopted at 18. He eagerly agreed to meet Mrs. Fisher.

The next day, Steven arrived at Mrs. Fisher’s home. She was overwhelmed with emotion and burst into tears upon seeing him at her door. She embraced him, apologizing for the decision she had made all those years ago. Steven, understanding her reasons, forgave her.

Since that day, Steven has visited Mrs. Fisher every year, and the two have built a meaningful relationship. Mrs. Fisher no longer feels alone, and Kristin finds closure in discovering the truth behind Bob’s twin brother.

Written by DADADEL

Adelaida, the founder of Dadadel Creative, boasts a multifaceted background, blending expertise in software engineering, copywriting, and digital marketing. Prior to establishing her agency, she honed her skills as the former Head of the News Department at a regional media outlet, and also amassing 18 years of experience as a host. She has a penchant for sarcasm, a passion for lifestyle topics, and an undeniable love for cats.

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