
Woman Waves to Bear from Car – His Unexpected Response Follows Seconds Later

Who says a 280-pound bear can’t have a personality?

That’s exactly what a trending video online seems to demonstrate.

A bear residing at the Olympic Game Farm in Washington, which is home to hundreds of other animals, has gained attention. Although it’s unclear how he arrived at the farm, he might have been rescued from a zoo and is now unable to return to the wild. Here, he can live freely and safely. Visitors often come to the farm to observe these magnificent animals.

In this story, a woman waved at the bear from her car. His response? Simply astounding. Visitors visit the farm to see animals they wouldn’t normally encounter in the wild and to learn about wildlife. One visitor, sitting in her car, waved at the bear, and unbelievably, the bear waved back!

Check out the video below to see their magical interaction. Even though the video is brief, it’s one you can watch over and over!

If you think bears are amazing creatures, please share this!


Written by Telha

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