
117-Year-Old Woman, the World’s Oldest, Lived on a Daily Diet of the Same Foods

Most of us probably picture living into our 80s or maybe our 90s. But few imagine reaching 100, let alone living nearly two decades beyond that.

When you think about living to a ripe old age, what number comes to mind? Yet, Emma Morano did just that, passing away at the remarkable age of 117. Even more astonishing, she managed to live independently until just a few years before her death. So, what was the secret behind her long and robust life? This is the story of the world’s oldest woman and what she credited for her extraordinary longevity.

Emma Morano: The World’s Oldest Woman

Born in 1899 in Italy’s Piedmont region, Emma Morano was the last person alive who had been born in the 1800s. Her long life fascinated many, and one key factor she believed contributed to her remarkable age was her simple yet strict diet. Let’s explore the life of Emma Morano and the secrets she believed kept her going for so long.

A Life and Diet That Defied Time

Emma Morano was known for her spirited personality and resilience. She endured numerous hardships, including an abusive marriage, the loss of her only child, and surviving two World Wars. She attributed her longevity to two main factors: staying single after her unhappy marriage and sticking to a consistent diet. After her troubled marriage, Emma decided to remain single, a choice she believed played a significant role in her ability to live such a long life. But she also credited her diet with helping her stay healthy and strong.

Her Marriage

Like many women of her time, Emma was pressured into marriage. She did fall in love once, but the man she wanted to marry tragically died in World War I. Later, a neighbor forced her into marriage.

“He was from around here, by the lake. I didn’t want to marry him, but he forced me. We lived in the same courtyard, and one day he sent his mother to call me,” she recalled in a 2011 interview with the Italian newspaper *La Stampa*. “I went there, and he said, ‘If it suits you, you can marry me; if not, I’ll kill you.’ I was 26 years old. So, I got married.”

Her Diet

Emma’s daily diet was quite simple and remained unchanged for most of her life. She ate three eggs a day, two of them raw, a habit she began after being diagnosed with anemia following World War I. She also drank a homemade Italian liqueur called grappa, which she infused with herbs and grapes, claiming it helped her digestion.

“I eat three eggs a day, and to digest, I drink the grappa that I prepare myself: I put it in a jar with seven sage leaves, some rue grass, and grapes. Then I drink it with a spoon,” she explained.

Her doctor was baffled by her diet, noting that although she rarely ate vegetables or fruit, it seemed to work wonders for her. Despite her unusual diet, she remained one of his healthiest patients—and certainly his longest-lived.

“When I met her, she ate three eggs per day—two raw in the morning and then an omelet at noon—and chicken for dinner,” her doctor recounted.

The Role of Genetics

Emma also recognized the role genetics played in her longevity. Her mother lived to be 91, and some of her sisters also reached their 100th birthdays. This suggests that a significant part of her long life may have been due to her family’s genes, along with the reduced stress of staying single after her troubled marriage.

Lessons from Longevity Hotspots

Emma Morano’s extraordinary age prompts us to consider the factors that contribute to a long, healthy life. Certain regions of the world, known as “Blue Zones,” have high concentrations of centenarians, offering insights into the secrets of longevity.

For instance, Okinawa, Japan, is famous for its large number of centenarians. The Okinawan diet, rich in vegetables, fruits, and legumes, combined with low-stress lifestyles, regular physical activity, and strong social connections, contributes to their long life expectancy. The concept of “ikigai” (a sense of purpose) is also central to their well-being.

Similarly, the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica boasts impressive longevity rates, thanks to an active daily routine, a diet rich in beans, corn, and tropical fruits, and strong community bonds. Their emphasis on family and interconnectedness likely contributes to their overall happiness and long lives.

In Sardinia, Italy, people also enjoy remarkable longevity, thanks to the Mediterranean diet, which focuses on whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and olive oil. Regular physical activity, social engagement, and a strong sense of purpose further promote long and healthy lives.

A Life That Inspires

Emma Morano’s incredible life serves as a powerful reminder of the potential for a long and healthy existence through a combination of personalized choices and lifestyle habits. Her decision to stay single and stick to a simple, consistent diet of eggs and grappa highlights the importance of making choices that support one’s well-being.


As we continue to explore the mysteries of longevity, we can learn valuable lessons from both Emma’s life and the world’s Blue Zones. Incorporating a balanced diet, staying physically active, building meaningful relationships, and finding a sense of purpose may be the keys to a longer and more fulfilling life.

Ultimately, by making conscious decisions and embracing a holistic approach to health and well-being, we can empower ourselves to lead vibrant lives well into our golden years.

Written by Telha

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