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Chinese Man Steals $24.000 From His Girlfriend Account By Lifting Her Eyelids While She Was Asleep

A bizzare theft happened in china because a man used the sleep state of his girlfriend to steal her.

A thief always searches for the best methods to steal from other people, but this young Chinese man did something very strange and hilarious too, He stole 24.000$ from his girlfriend but it was caught by the authorities and was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. The way he did his theft scheme is just brilliant, he used his girlfriend’s biometric access to her phone. But how did he get access to her phone?

He benefit from the sleepy state his girlfriend was in and lifted her eyelids.

It was all prepared by him since the beginning, where he invited himself to help his sick girlfriend back in December 2020. The man named Huang made a mixture of different medicines to put his girlfriend into sleep and soon after he began to gain access to Alipay by using his girlfriend’s finger. But Alipay requires a double recognition of both facial and fingerprint, he then lifted her eyelids to gain access and change the password. It is said he transferred her money to his account to pay all of his debts.

But his luck run away and he was caught several months later in April 2021.

He received three and a half years in prison and also has to pay a fine of 20.000 yan (3,135$). Also, the good news is that Alipay officials said that in the cases where theft has occurred and it has been proved their customers get a refund. Also, they advised their customers to apply more security steps to avoid events like these.


Written by Dalip Celbeqiri

CEO & Founder of @diysimple Video Agency
Co-Founder @financial_ship Outsourced Accounting Firm
Author/Creator/Social Media & Marketing Expert

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