
People Insist Johnny’s Depp Son Looks Nothing Like Him

Johnny Depp, a Hollywood icon, shares two children, Lily-Rose and Jack, with Vanessa Paradis. While Lily-Rose often faces the public spotlight, Jack prefers a more private life. Occasionally appearing in public, Jack is noted for his striking resemblance to his father, although some individuals question the family resemblance and contemplate their biological connection.

Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis, despite their 14-year relationship from the late ’90s to 2012, chose not to marry, emphasizing their desire for privacy and a non-traditional approach. Their love story, marked by shared experiences and artistic endeavors, involved raising two children, Lily-Rose and Jack.


Beginning in the late ’90s, their romance flourished into a family. Lily-Rose was born in 1999, and Jack joined in 2002. The couple’s decision not to marry was rooted in their contentment with their family life. Despite their amicable separation in 2012, Johnny and Vanessa maintained privacy for their family, with Lily-Rose mentioning her relatively relaxed teenage years.

Khayat Nicolas/ABACA/EAST NEWS

Post-separation, Johnny acknowledged the challenges but emphasized caring for the mother of his children. Jack and Lily-Rose, raised in the limelight, had different paths – Lily-Rose pursued acting, while Jack explored his artistic talents. Though Jack has artistic flair, he has no desire to become an actor, as Johnny proudly pointed out.


Johnny shared anecdotes about Jack, highlighting their strong connection and some amusing experiences, such as Jack’s driving mishaps. Amid legal battles with Amber Heard, Johnny prioritized shielding his children from the negative impacts.

KCS/East News

While some fans initially questioned the physical resemblance between Johnny and Jack, comments surfaced about noticeable differences. A news outlet’s attempt to portray them as look-alikes led to contrasting opinions, with some suggesting Jack resembled actor Jack Black more than his own father. Despite these perceptions, the bond between Johnny and Jack remains strong, transcending any physical similarities.

Written by Telha

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