
Spain shuts tourist beach, hammerhead spotted near the shore

Tourist beaches in Gran Canaria were closed after a two-meter hammerhead shark was spotted in the water.

Spanish police have released aerial footage of a hammerhead shark near Gran Canaria’s coast after a popular tourist beach was closed due to a sighting.

On Saturday, Melenara Beach in Telde was crowded when several swimmers spotted a roughly two-meter-long shark near the shore, according to Spanish news channel Antena 3.

Lifeguards alerted the police, who then closed the beach while search teams on jet skis attempted to locate the shark, the broadcaster reported.

Salinetas Beach in Telde was also closed after a fin was seen in the water.

On Sunday, police shared two videos showing at least one shark in the water as the beach remained closed to tourists and swimmers.

Written by Telha

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