
This is world’s most polluted capital city

IQAir’s latest report identifies Delhi as the world’s most polluted capital in 2023, alongside Beguserai and Guwahati as the top two most polluted cities globally, with only seven countries meeting the WHO’s PM2.5 guideline, based on data from over 30,000 monitoring stations across 134 regions.

According to a report by the Swiss-based air-quality monitoring group IQAir, Delhi earned the dubious distinction of being the most polluted capital city worldwide in 2023, shedding light on the city’s ongoing battle with poor air quality.


The Indian capital grapples with deteriorating air conditions throughout the year, with the situation exacerbating during the winter months. This dire scenario arises from a multitude of factors, including the burning of crop residue, industrial emissions, stagnant winds, and heightened usage of firecrackers during festive seasons.


However, Delhi is not alone in facing this environmental crisis, as several other Indian cities also confront severe air pollution challenges. In response to escalating pollution levels, the government resorted to drastic measures such as the temporary closure of schools and colleges for multiple consecutive days to mitigate the health risks associated with toxic air exposure.

In contrast, the northern Indian city of Beguserai and the northeastern city of Guwahati emerged as the top two most polluted cities globally.


Alarmingly, only seven countries managed to meet the World Health Organization’s (WHO) annual PM2.5 guideline, set at an average of 5 micrograms per cubic meter or lower.

Among the select few countries meeting this standard are Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, and Finland. These stark revelations stem from data collected by IQAir, drawing from over 30,000 air quality monitoring stations distributed across 134 countries, regions, and territories.

Written by Telha

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