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LGBT couple restore their identities: Only God can do that!

“Only God can do that.”

Those are the words of Lex Renick, a woman who previously identified as a transgender male before she and her husband — who once identified as homosexual — came to faith in Jesus.

Nic and Lex Renick were married on May 30, 2020, while both were living out their LGBT lifestyles. They have since renounced their past decisions, with Lex reclaiming her female identity and returning to her birth name, and Nic abandoning his homosexual identity.



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The pair originally married as husband and husband but, following their respective salvation experiences, now identify as a heterosexual couple — husband and wife. They recently shared their story in a lengthy interview with The Daily Wire’s Michael Knowles.

Knowles, a Catholic, described the couple’s testimony as “one of the wildest stories I’ve ever heard.”


In addition to their spiritual restoration, Lex and Nic told Knowles they are experiencing physical healing. They now have a healthy baby, and early in their relationship, Lex underwent biopsies and was informed she had cancerous cells. However, a doctor from Planned Parenthood recently told her, “This doesn’t make physical sense, but you no longer have any cancerous cells in your body.”



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“I think it just goes to show that anyone can transform or turn into anything that they want,” Nic said of their shared experience. “But nobody talks about transforming back to the original design that you’re supposed to be.”

He continued, “The world can tell you so much about who you’re ‘supposed to be’ based on your interests or personality type, and try to fit you into all of these crazy, outlandish boxes that might … make you feel included for a time.”

Written by Telha

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