
Venus Holes On Your Back: What They Reveal About You

Discover the meaning behind the two mysterious back holes and find out how they make you truly special. Learn more.

Venus holes, located opposite the naval area, hold significance. If you possess two of these holes, you’re considered special.

Venus holes
Raul Myers / Quora

The small circles on the lower back, known as Venus holes in women and Apollo holes in men, hold intriguing significance.

Raul Myers / Quora

These holes, located near the pelvic region, are determined by genetics and ligament size. They cannot be chosen or avoided.

What do Venus holes signify?

Venus holes

They represent excellent body circulation, indicating a healthy body and facilitating easier orgasms.

They are found where no muscle exists. They are innate and cannot be created. However, exercises can enhance visibility by reducing excess fat.

While the two back holes serve no specific purpose, they add an appealing aesthetic. Enhance their beauty with a captivating tattoo, and watch yourself exude sheer fabulousness.

Do you have them on your lower back? Let us know in the comments!

Written by Zhwan Azad

i'm a pharmacist and i love writing about Relationship advisory!

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  1. I have noticed that females that have been blessed by the god of Venus are generally very attractive so I do believe they’re a sign of good genetics. Super hot on females… can’t say I’ve ever noticed them on any guys.

  2. Yes – I have these “Venus” dimples. I call them thumb grips for – well – ya know. lol. My significant other has never seen them before and was quite intrigued by them when we first got together. He said they made him wild and finds them extremely hot. I have always appreciated them myself. I haven’t seen many people with them besides my mom, brother and my own children. Very unique and beautiful in my opinion!

  3. I’m a guy, I have these and near my shoulders, traditionally used to be said they were from where my angel wings used to be! As for circulation, I’m 40 with not the greatest circulation so not sure about that one!

  4. A former GF had these and her orgasms were spastic and multiple. As a man, it was awesome to bring her to climax over and over and over and over again! She was very beautiful, but never so much as when she was bucking and panting in waves of extacy God, I miss her!

  5. HI MY WIFE HAS THESE, AND YOUR COMMENT IS NOT ACURATE, YOU SAY ! They represent excellent body circulation, indicating a healthy body and facilitating easier orgasms. My wife has Reynards! a circulation problem I believe,,,, The condition occurs because your blood vessels go into a temporary spasm, which blocks the flow of blood. This causes the affected area to change colour to white, then blue and then red, as the bloodflow return, As for easier Orgasm’s ??????????