
Addictions We Can Have In Daily Life

Addictions can surface in things in our daily lives that we might not even know, like drinking diet sodas.

Addictions can surface in things in our daily lives that we might not even know, like drinking diet sodas or overusing lip balm. Daily routines can become an addiction, and you might not even realize it.

Viral Strange has prepared a list of addictions we can have in daily life.

1. Moisturizing your skin


Moisturizing the skin is good. However, overdoing it for a long time can make your skin forget how to hydrate itself. One study says that if you stop using atopic creams, the skin can remain dry for up to 3 weeks. However, self-hydration can be restored gradually.

2. Drinking diet soda

You might think you can lose weight by consuming diet sodas. However, they have artificial sweeteners and stimulate cravings and dependencies.

3. Tanning in a UV bed


UV rays released in tanning beds can increase cerebral blood flow in areas associated with substance addiction. That is why it might become addictive.

4. Overapplying lip balm

The urge to apply lip balm is considered a behavioural addiction. It provides pleasure just like biting nails.

5. Listening to music


Music releases dopamine in our brains. It can make us crave more. However, listening to music is associated with benefits such as enhancing cognitive performance or decreasing stress.

6. Whitening your teeth

Bleachorexia is a disorder related to the addiction to whitening your teeth. It is considered a body dysmorphic problem.

7. Falling in love


Some brain areas responsible for knowing rewards and urges are stimulated when you are in love. It has similar characteristics to substance addiction.

8. Using eye drops


Studies say that cycloplegics eye drops can be addictive. Reports say that some people have suffered from withdrawal after using eye drops.

9. Buying designer clothes and accessories


Compulsive buying is another addiction. It makes you buy expensive clothes to feel better, even though it leads to an increased level of anxiety.

10. Taking selfies

It is considered a mental disorder often seen in teenagers with low esteem. Constantly taking selfies can be seen in 2 forms: the urge for good feedback on social media and the need to achieve the perfect selfie.

11. Getting your body pierced


Endorphins can be released when you get your body pierced. There is a rush of happiness and euphoria, and people might get addicted.

Do you have an addiction? If yes, what? Tell us more in the comments below.

Written by Zhwan Azad

i'm a pharmacist and i love writing about Relationship advisory!

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