
Brutal gaffe of Biden, calls Zelenskyy “President Putin”

On Thursday evening, President Biden caused a stir by mistakenly calling Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky “President Putin,” confusing him with the Russian leader who has been waging war on Ukraine for over two years.

Biden promptly apologized for the error, attributing it to being “so focused on beating” the Russian strongman.

“Ladies and gentlemen — President Putin. President Putin,” Biden said, before catching his mistake.

“He’s gonna beat President Putin, President Zelenskyy,” Biden then said.

Zelenskyy deftly handled the flubbed introduction, quipping, “I’m better.”
Biden replied, “You are a hell of a lot better.”

Nevertheless, the gaffe is expected to intensify demands from congressional Democrats for the 81-year-old president to reconsider his run for a second term.

Written by Telha

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