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11 Tips on How to Make Your Relationship Last

There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. There is also no perfect couple at all. Do not believe everything you see on social media because those are curated feeds. The truth is, as a couple, there are days wherein you hate each other and arguments start to happen. On some days, you can’t seem to live without the other. It is always a roller coaster ride of emotions. But how can your relationship last despite all the odds along the way?

Here at Viral Strange, we listed down 11 tips on how to make your relationship last:

1. Trust each other.

You have to trust the one you love. When you keep on doubting your partner, it will just create so much gap in the relationship. You have to keep on trusting because that is the key for you to have peace of mind. A fruitful relationship means you trust each other in the process.

2. Love each other endlessly.

Always give your ‘all’ so you would not have any regrets in the end. Cherish the moments that you have together. Always give your best shot in the process because that is what you both deserve. No one deserves a half-baked love and effort after all.

3. Give each other a chance when mistakes happen.

If you feel like the relationship is still worth saving, then you can give it another shot. It is a good sign when you can see efforts to be a better person. You have to take chances because you might regret it in the end. You have to decide for yourself because other people might see your situation differently.

4. Always give and take.

How to make your relationship last

It is no longer a secret that a relationship is a two-way street. You can’t just be so full of yourself. You have to take into consideration your partner’s feelings too. You have to be the bigger person to fix issues right away.

5. Learn to lower your pride.

Pride has always been one of the relationship killers. Lower your pride because being in a relationship is not your own show. You are dealing with a person that has feelings and emotions. Do not be too self-centered. Try to assess yourself on the things that you have to work on. Because after all, once you are in a relationship, you really have to aim to become a better person. If that person does not make you feel better, then there is no point in being with him.

6. Compliment each other’s weaknesses.

Being in a relationship means you compliment each other. You are each other’s haven. You are like a puzzle piece that completely fits with each other. You find ways to make your partner feel strong despite his or her weaknesses.

7. Listen.

Listening is important in a relationship. You can’t just keep on nagging your partner without listening to his side of the story. Be sensitive with his feelings too. Always remember that not everything is about you. Be mature enough to listen to what he is about to say. When you say things based on your emotions, it creates more fire to the argument. Breathe. Take it easy always.

8. Respect each other’s values and beliefs.


Love means respecting the one you love. Respecting means you do not do something that will cause issues in your relationship. With respect, it means you care for that person dearly. You do not want to lose her. Respect begets respect always.

9. Guide and uplift each other’s morale.

Loving someone means being there through thick and thin. It is about supporting each other’s dreams and goals too. It is about choosing to stay when everyone starts to leave. Because when you love the person so much, you will embrace everything about them. You will always do your best to be true to your words.

10. Be faithful.

Always be true to your words. Temptations may come along the way, but be strong enough to resist. Be faithful to your partner. The real measure of being a man is the accountability of his actions. 

11. Pray and ask for guidance.

Prayers do help in a relationship. Pray to the universe that he is the one meant for you until the end. Both of you may have the wisdom and patience to surpass whatever trials that come along the way.

A relationship lasts when both of you are committed to staying no matter what happens. It will last if you live to your sweet words and promises. 

Read more beautiful stories about love, hope, healing, and more on our website!

Written by Awat Dhahir

Founder and CEO at VIRAL Strange / Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live. Stay humble. Be kind. Work hard. The secret ingredient is always cheese.

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  1. Why is it a real measure of a man Bern faithful? I thought it was all about equality. As it takes two to tango then it’s surely both parties who should be faithful. Have a word what a stupid statement. Nothing like no common sense is there?

  2. I loved this article and it is pretty much complete. Number 5 is my favorite. Having too much pride has destroyed relationships. When my boyfriend and I used to argue we’d both be too stubborn to give in. Now we just laugh it off because we both know neither one of us is going anywhere. Instead of saying mean things to each other we now sit and talk things out. You have to actually like the person you’re with, and treating each other with respect goes a long way towards fixing most problems.

  3. My wife (the colonel) i call he are working on our 53rd year and we work on a sound marriage everyday. It taks work and the most important thing to be best friends at the end of every single day. We have issue’s andwe work them out. Keep God in our relationship is more than just a luxury he is a nessary part of life

    • I did everything I could in my last relationship.and it still did’nt work out. I loved her with all my heart. I’m still a bit broken almost 3 years later. I trulynthought she was the one and I gave my all unconditionally..
      I feel that it’s so much harder for a man to maintain, especially in this day in age where women are constantly telling other women that they don’t need a man and to be “independant”. Well what they don’t say is that you’re gonna be real lonely, get used to it. We were together for over 6 yrs. Maybe I was a fool thinking it would work, she WAS 17 years older than me . But I don’t put too much emphasis on age. I’m 36 now.. Now, I can only do my best to pick up the pieces of my broken heart and pray, “She”, will find me, someday. Why is it that nice guys finish last? WTF😥
      Why don’t women go for the respectful, nice guy? Should I just become a jerk and not ca

  4. This used to be my life until the last two years. First he try to have me put away for 72 hours for a psychotic break said I was doing drugs which I didn’t do. The second he decided to put hands on me and show me who was boss and show me how to do things so after 47 years we are no longer together.

  5. Been married 15 years… wife stayed and cared for me when I got paralyzed… it wasn’t easy but we over came… we fight we make up.. I’m stubborn she’s stubborn but we live by tomkorows a new day… if it ain’t beating or cheating it can be fixed… I would take a bullet for her and her for I if it meant the other got to live one more day… so many toss relationships like a broken toaster… I’ll get a new one.. often just to carry the same garbage to the next relationship… I was lucky and found a wonderful m lady before the whole dot com boom where everyone is in everyone’s inbox… I’m very blessed and never worry about my wife and faithfulness… we just work.. yes she isn’t the girl I married .. I’m not the boy either… we changed for the better and every year we mature even more… I lack in the listening area but striving to get better… it’s a full time job. put i

  6. Spent 15 years married with a narcissist then ended up leaving as found my one true love that actually treated me and loved me the way he should. 4 years after meeting we are now married, love respect and support each other.
    If there is abuse or emotional abuse in a marriage it won’t work.

    • You should really give spirituality a chance, you’d be surprised at the change in the way you view the world. God never turned his back on you, he’s still waiting for you to seek him out. What happened in your life to bring you to not want to find the Lord?? It’s an important part of any relationship to try and understand perspective on things. Being spiritual is huge. It definitely wouldn’t hurt to pray for guidance and ask for God to reveal himself in your own personal life. Just look for any signs of God trying to speak to you. Maybe through others, or media (if God keeps coming up as a topic, or even mentioned)
      God truly works in mysterious ways.
      Good luck dude
      God bless you and yours

  7. Well I have been married for 31 years. Trust is definitely a big one . Being open and honest is another. Another big one which is hard for us is NEVER go to bed mad. Talk it through and listen to each other, forgive. Left go it festers.
    There is a lot of give and take in a relationship. Pick your battles.
    Cheating is never ok ever. If that happens you will never be ok . Trust is gone.

    • Every word is true. Communication is the key to an everlasting marriage. You have to be able to talk to each other and not at each other. Never go to bed angry at each other, life is strange and unpredictable. It would be devastating if one person didn’t make it to see another day and it doesn’t matter who is the bigger person. You both will sleep better. Remember, today may be too late, yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not promised.

  8. You have alot of good catch phrases and ideas that we do unconsciously and unconditionally, because we love . But when it’s your golden years and you Re both going in opposite direction, it makes it hard to reconcile with one another . I’ve always loved her and I always will love her . It is when you put your grandchildren relationship above and beyond yours is where I think a line needs drawn . We have to be one , first . God Bless.

    • Yes, I do feel that too and feel a little lost. Then focus on a balanced point of view, hoping I’ve got it right.
      My wife Rubiela has been very involved with her three grandchildren for 15 yes. They are very close. She is her daughters mother and is a great help in so many ways as the parents have full-time work commitments. Although we only married nine months ago, I realise and respect the need, she feels to support them, is maternal, for their wellbeing .. then get on with something useful, myself.

  9. This is certainly true. The “Golden Rule” applies in marriage too, as advised above. But as I read it, I realized it written with a sexist insight. When Infidelity was coached on, it was implied that the man in the relationship should be faithful. Fact is that women practice infidelity too. It should be written with both parties in mind, not just one. And what is one’s husband is a woman?

    • Marriage is sacred it should only apply to a man and woman. That’s what this article is about. Traditional marriage.
      But you are absolutely right. Women can be just as bad as men in many cases. Don’t even get me started on divorce rates.
      It’s always a double standard, and can tell this was written by a woman. I bet she never took a poll from both sides about what matters in a relationship. Marriage is a two way street, hands down. It takes two to tango. It also requires allot of faith. Trust and prayer are of the highest importance. Never cheat.

  10. Thank you for all the advises it is worth remembering for good relationship, between parnetship in life with someone we adore, love, and care,, honestly, truthfully, faithfully with sincerity till time will come with an everlasting …… life togetherness full of 💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌,

  11. Oh this is so awesome and we has married person do needs these quotes and for those that are planning to get married one of these days also. Lolll wonderful I’m learning.