
13 Clear Signs Your Man Might Be Cheating on You

Here are some clear signs that he might be unfaithful…

If your gut is telling you something’s off and your man might be cheating, it’s important to trust your instincts but also gather evidence.

1.He avoids commitment but acts like he’s serious


He claims he’s not ready for a serious relationship, yet behaves as if he’s committed. This could be his way of avoiding responsibility while justifying his cheating.

2.He puts his phone on flight mode when you use it

If he always switches his phone to flight mode when you borrow it, he might be hiding messages he doesn’t want you to see.

3.He never leaves his phone unattended


Bringing his phone everywhere, even to the bathroom, could be a sign that he’s trying to hide incriminating evidence of infidelity.

4.He has more female friends than male friends

If his social circle is primarily women, especially more than you, it might indicate he’s crossing boundaries.

5.He hasn’t introduced you to his close friends


Despite the time you’ve spent together, he keeps you away from his inner circle, likely to avoid his friends revealing his unfaithfulness.

6.His phone always ‘dies’ when you’re apart

When you’re not together, he becomes hard to reach, claiming his phone battery is dead. This could be a way to avoid your calls when he’s engaging in questionable activities.

7.He avoids taking the relationship to the next level


He keeps the relationship stagnant, doing just enough to keep you around but never progressing to a deeper commitment.

8.He accuses you of being crazy when you express doubts

If he dismisses your concerns as irrational or calls you “crazy,” he may be gaslighting you, a common tactic used by cheaters.

9.He no longer initiates sexual intimacy


His lack of interest in being intimate could indicate his sexual needs are being fulfilled elsewhere.

10.He’s vague about his whereabouts

You never know where he is or who he’s with. He’s deliberately unclear, making it difficult for you to track him down.

11.He frequently cancels plans without explanation


He regularly flakes out on plans with you, and when he does, he’s evasive about the reasons.

12.He lies to you often

Whether it’s small or big lies, his frequent dishonesty shows a lack of respect for the truth and your relationship.

13.He’s still active on dating apps

If he hasn’t deleted dating apps like Tinder, it’s a sign that he’s not fully committed to being with you and is still exploring other options.

Written by Telha

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