
Some Funny and Careless Anarchistis

Anarchistis who like to break the rules

Have you ever tried to break the rules, and live your life without any obligation? We all know that it is very important to follow the rules to respect the social life of everyone, but out there are people who like to break these rules. We are going to share with you some people that like to do so in a very hilarious and funny way.

1. Very determined

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2. Well, this would be very creepy if it was true

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3. Too many bills

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4. Go China

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5. Are you going to try this one?

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6. OK!

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7. I am always in a very good mood

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8. Well, I like using exactly that one

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9. He can break the rules too

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10. Hilarious. This has to be a new rule

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11. Now that he is thinking about it, he will change the rules

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12. Is everything right?

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13. He likes to travel and to see the world instead

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14. This tree doesn’t like to be close in

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15. He is a feminist, for sure

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16. Did he really get the message?

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17. Let’s break this rule instead

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18. He doesn’t like it at all

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19. He thinks he is Spider-Man

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20. She is very good at it

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21. Matchy-Matchy, coincidence?


22. So difficult finding free parking

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23. Obama, is that you?

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Written by Sara Cyrbja

Micro-Biology scientist šŸ§¬ , part-time copywriter and a fun fact is that I adore traveling as much as i can āœˆļø

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