
Alaska Baby Abandoned with Heartfelt Note From His Mother

Discover the poignant tale of an abandoned Alaska baby, left with a heartfelt note by his mother. A story of love and despair unfolds.

An Alaska baby was found abandoned by a woman who spotted a cardboard box near a row of mailboxes. To her utter dismay, he had been abandoned in the box, accompanied by a heartbreaking note from his desperate mother.

Alaska Baby Abandoned
Photo Credit: Facebook

Roxy Lane, a Fairbanks, Alaska resident, stumbled upon a cardboard box near her home one freezing Friday afternoon. Despite temperatures plunging to single digits with a wind chill of 12 below, she couldn’t ignore her curiosity, as reported by the NY Post. Peering inside, she encountered a sight so unbelievable that she felt compelled to document it with her phone.

Within the box, on that bitterly cold day, Lane found a newborn baby, snugly wrapped in blankets and emitting soft coos, according to the Daily Mail. Alongside the infant lay a heart-wrenching note from the child’s distressed mother, who had left him there. Overwhelmed, Lane turned to social media, sharing a video capturing the note and the abandoned Alaska baby she had encountered.

Photo Credit: Screenshot

The note began with a plea: Please help me!!! It went on to reveal the harrowing circumstances surrounding the baby’s birth—born 12 weeks premature when the mother was just 28 weeks pregnant at the time of abandonment. The letter painted a dire picture, expressing the inability of both the baby’s parents and grandparents to provide for him financially. Tragically, the infant, named Teshawn, faced an uncertain future.

The letter expressed the dire situation: “My parents and grandparents don’t have food or money to raise me. They NEVER wanted to do this to me, it stated. My mom is so sad to do this, it continued. Please take me and find me a LOVING FAMILY. My parents are begging whoever finds me. My name is Teshawn.”

Alaska state troopers responded to a report of an abandoned baby, as authorities were alerted. The Alaska baby, later identified as Teshawn, was taken to a local hospital by EMS. Thankfully, medical assessments revealed that he was “in good health.”

“AST in Fairbanks received a report of a newborn child that was found abandoned in a cardboard box at the intersection of Dolphin Way and Chena Point Avenue, the statement read. The child was alive and seemed to have been abandoned at the location recently. There was a note left with the child indicating the parent could not take care [of] it. The child was transported by EMS to a local hospital and was found to be in good health.”

Roxy Lane found the discovery emotionally overwhelming. Reflecting on the situation with her boyfriend and family, she shared her thoughts on Facebook, I’ve been processing my feelings all day and running through all the different scenarios and reasons, with my bf and family, as to why something like this could have happened.”

She added, There is always a safer, humane choice to surrender a baby and you will not get in trouble or even have to answer any difficult questions. Take the baby to a fire station, or church, or hospital and they will take care of them.”

Lane not only highlighted the existence of Alaska’s Safe Haven Law, enacted in 2008 but also urged anyone aware of the mother’s identity to check on her well-being. Expressing empathy, she speculated on the possible struggles the mother might be facing and emphasized the need for support and understanding.

Alaska Baby Abandoned
Photo Credit: Screenshot

Acknowledging the immense challenges their community faces, Lane urged others to extend a helping hand, Clearly, someone in our community felt so lost and hopeless that they made probably the hardest choice of their lives to leave that innocent life on the side of the road with nothing but some blankets and a name. But she named him! There’s some love there, even if she made a terrible decision.”

Closing on a hopeful note, Lane emphasized, I know we’re all struggling, I see it. I see you. I love you all and I’m here. Today I saved a baby and I’ll probably think about Teshawn for the rest of my life.”

Do you think this Alaska baby was lucky enough to be found by this amazing lady? Let us know in the comment section below.

Written by DADADEL

Adelaida, the founder of Dadadel Creative, boasts a multifaceted background, blending expertise in software engineering, copywriting, and digital marketing. Prior to establishing her agency, she honed her skills as the former Head of the News Department at a regional media outlet, and also amassing 18 years of experience as a host. She has a penchant for sarcasm, a passion for lifestyle topics, and an undeniable love for cats.

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  1. My heart goes out to this situation as a whole, I pray for the baby and the family that had to go through such a heartbreaking decision. I just wish she would have taken Teshawn to a safe haven. God was watching and had angels around at the moment of her life altering choices thankfully

  2. A heartwarming case of right person at the right time! It’s heartbreaking that the family is in such dire straights. But hopefully, Teshawn will grow up happy, healthy, and understanding of his situation one day.