
Branded his initials onto patient’s organs, surgeon gets fined $12,000

A surgeon who branded his initials on two patients’ livers has been fined $12,000 and removed from the medical register after admitting to the act in court.

In a shocking case that has rattled the medical community, Simon Bramhall, a surgeon, faced severe consequences for his egregious actions. The incident unfolded in December 2017 at Birmingham Crown Court in the UK, where Bramhall confessed to two counts of assault by beating.

An image from a video of surgeon Simon Bramhall, who in 2017 was convicted of assault and fined after branding transplant organs with his initials. (PA Video/PA Wire/PA Images)

What makes this case particularly disturbing is the nature of Bramhall’s crimes: he admitted to etching his initials, ‘SB,’ onto the livers of two unsuspecting patients during surgical procedures. After branding the patients’ organs, Bramhall closed the incisions, leaving behind his mark on their bodies.

This brazen act of self-aggrandizement not only violated medical ethics but also posed a serious risk to the well-being of the patients involved. The patients entrusted their lives to Bramhall’s care, only to have their bodies defaced without consent. Such behavior is not only unethical but also undermines the trust that patients place in medical professionals.


As a consequence of his actions, Bramhall was handed a hefty fine of $12,000 and was permanently removed from the medical register. This punitive measure reflects the severity of his misconduct and serves as a warning to other medical practitioners. The decision to strike Bramhall off the medical register was likely influenced by the need to uphold the integrity of the medical profession and ensure patient safety.


The bizarre and unsettling nature of this case has drawn comparisons to a scene from a movie, underscoring the disbelief and shock felt by many upon learning of Bramhall’s actions. However, the reality is far graver, as it involves the violation of patients’ trust and the betrayal of the medical oath to do no harm. It serves as a sobering reminder of the importance of ethical conduct and accountability in the practice of medicine.

Written by Telha

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