
Professional Hacker Warns That Phones Aren’t That Safe

Discover why phones aren’t as secure as you think – Insights from a professional hacker. Stay informed, stay safe!

A professional hacker, Kieran Burge, a security consultant at Prism Infosec, reveals how our indispensable smartphones can become tools for criminals. He exposes common mistakes that could grant him unauthorized access to your smartphone within seconds.

In the modern era, smartphones are ubiquitous, and most of us admit to overusing them. Their capabilities have extended well beyond mere calling and texting.

Today, cell phones fulfill numerous functions beyond basic communication. They enable internet browsing and even simplify tasks like holiday shopping, all under the assumption of technological security.

Professional Hacker

While mobile devices are often perceived as secure, a professional hacker cautions that they may not be as impervious as we believe.

Keiran Burge, a security consultant at Prism Infosec, divulged crucial insights to the Daily Mail, uncovering frequent errors that could make our devices susceptible to hackers in mere seconds.

Burge, who evaluates businesses’ cybersecurity to reveal vulnerabilities before malefactors do, stresses the significance of maintaining your device’s software up-to-date. According to Burge, this is one of the prime targets hackers focus on when plotting an assault.

Out-of-date software is a really big issue because, if the software has been updated, it’s probably because there is a security issue,” he said for the Mail Online.

Neglecting software updates could lead to severe consequences. According to Burge, failing to update your software creates a vulnerability that allows individuals to access confidential data and, in some cases, even seize control of your software.

Reusing passwords is a risky behavior that often exposes users to cyber threats. It’s a widespread practice among hackers, providing them with a gateway to valuable information.

“No matter what site you’re giving information to you, you don’t know what they’re going to do with that information or how they’re going to protect it,” Burge explained.

Photo by Jefferson Santos on Unsplash

Additionally, if a single website is hacked and you employ the same password across multiple platforms, cybercriminals can exploit this vulnerability. Consequently, they can use the compromised password to access your other accounts, thereby jeopardizing your online presence.

Burge said: “As soon as a company is breached there’s usually a big database dump that gets put on the darkweb.”

Burge also emphasizes the significance of being cautious about the volume of personal information shared online.

When individuals overshare personal details on the internet, they might unintentionally provide hackers with more information than necessary, potentially heightening the risk of targeted attacks or identity theft.

“On a personal level, for someone in their day-to-day activities one of the most important things that people need to think about is how much information they’re sharing online,” the professional hacker noted.

Written by DADADEL

Adelaida, the founder of Dadadel Creative, boasts a multifaceted background, blending expertise in software engineering, copywriting, and digital marketing. Prior to establishing her agency, she honed her skills as the former Head of the News Department at a regional media outlet, and also amassing 18 years of experience as a host. She has a penchant for sarcasm, a passion for lifestyle topics, and an undeniable love for cats.

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