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9 Reasons Why Dating a Low-Maintenance Girl is the Best Choice

Dating is one of the most exciting things to happen in your life,  most especially if you have a girl who does not demand so much from you.

Viral Strange listed down below the top 9 reasons why dating a low-maintenance girl is the best choice:

Photo by Praveen Raj from Pexels

1. She does not basically care on how she looks and what she wears.

She will just fix her hair, apply some face powder and that’s it. She does not take so  much time fixing herself. She is always on the go and is always free-spirited. 

2. You can take her to any dating spots.

whether it is near the beach, in a park, watching the stars at night or anywhere. She does not need any expensive getaways or to be treated like a royalty. What truly matters for her is the time spent together with you. 

3. She is very appreciative of the  simple gestures you show to her.

Getting compliments makes her blush and your genuine intentions is what she craves for. A bouquet of flowers makes her feel special too. She is always  grateful of the efforts you make. 

4.  She knows  how to be happy with what she has.

She finds contentment and joy on whatever blessings that come along her way. She always finds time to celebrate every small success in her life.  It is innate within her to be happy for other people too. 

5. She does not demand material things from you.

She only wants your attention, time and affection. She does not care if you do not have a car because long walks are still cute. She does not care if you are not rich, because you can always achieve greater heights in life together.

6. She is happy to go lucky and spontaneous.

She wants random trips with you to the beach or to the mountains. She finds peace and solace in nature. She prefers a date with nature than going to the bar. 

7. She always prioritizes her ‘needs’ than ‘wants’.

She is practical and is not an impulsive buyer. She is organized and would up money for emergency purposes. 


8. She does not care about the latest gadgets and style.

She would rather buy food than chase the latest trends. She does not feel the need to be validated by society, because deep inside she is already overflowing with happiness. 

9. She is an old soul. She listens to old school music.

She loves the 80’s  fashion. She feels like she was born into the wrong generation. 

Being low-maintenance does not mean that you are settling for less. You still know your priorities. You definitely know your worth. It’s just that you know how to make the most out of everything.

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Written by Truth Slaps

Truth Slaps is one of the biggest relationship pages on Facebook. It was first established in 2016 and has grown so much since then. With more than 5 million+ followers, it surely provides inspiration to readers all over the world.

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